How And Why “Auchan” Built A Platform For Working With Big Data In A Public Cloud

4 years ago

Modern retail can no longer do without building predictive and recommendation systems based on Big Data.But with large amounts of…

Pros And Cons Of AirFlow

4 years ago

Most often, the following advantages of AirFlow: Open-source: AirFlow is supported by the community and has well-documented documentation. Based on…

What Is Docker And How Does It Work?

4 years ago

Containerization is often referred to as one particular technology - Docker. In this article, we'll detail how Docker works, how…

Accelerate Computing And Save On Resources: When You Need GPUs

4 years ago

When graphic processing units (GPUs) first appeared, no one thought that they would become so widely used over time. Initially,…

How Docker Images And Containers Work

4 years ago

A docker image is made up of layers. Each command in the docker file adds a new layer that overlays…

Investor Risks – To Invest In Chinese IPOs

4 years ago

"We invested in Chinese companies that traded on the Nasdaq in 2020 and 2021," Yevgeny Shilenkov, deputy general director for…

AirFlow: What It Is, How It Works

4 years ago

Data processing in information systems is divided into three stages: extraction, transformation, and loading (Extract Transform Load, ETL). In solutions…

Bank Of America Predicted A Fall In The S&P 500 In The Third Quarter

4 years ago

The S&P 500 stock index may fall in the third quarter due to a combination of five negative factors at…

More Energy Than Whole Countries: Is Bitcoin Mining Really Bad For The Environment?

4 years ago

Bitcoin critics argue that it requires more electricity to mine than some countries consume. For example, US Senator Elizabeth Warren…

AirFlow And Cloud-Native Approach

4 years ago

Using a local infrastructure to work with Big Data is often expensive and inefficient: tasks that take only a few…