We understand what technologies will help to configure and manage software for employees' work.When employees work in the office, they…
There are fundamental differences in working with databases and data lakes. We have translated a short article on the Data…
The traditional approach to building big data is to deploy a Hadoop cluster, install additional tools, and create a data…
An artificial intelligence system appears when a problem arises that cannot be solved using conventional methods. AI helps corporations and…
Yandex robots will begin delivering food to US university campuses this fall as part of a collaboration with food delivery…
Many states, including Russia, cannot agree that the proceeds of digital giants are leaving the hands of national tax authorities.…
A company consisting of Several people and for large organizations, Bitrix24 helps with a good set of business solutions to…
Blockchain technology was first mentioned in China's draft national five-year political plan, the final version approved by lawmakers and advisers…
In this article, we will continue talking about the basics of data management and look at what data provenance and…
Before contacting a cloud provider to order a particular service, you need to understand what type of cloud will be…