Automatic Marketing Is A Trend That Will Soon Pass Our reality is constant information noise. Attention is the new currency, and you need to run
Author: Pure Tech info
“Trending” Technologies That Increase The Efficiency Of The Company
Everyone is hearing about neural networks now. Although they have already set the teeth on edge a little, their potential is not exhausted. Neural networks
How To Make Powerful Market Analytics Based On Insights And Open Data
I was doing research and strategy at Skyeng, and now I am developing my business and helping various companies to make data-driven decisions. One of
What SEO Knowledge A PPC Specialist Should Have
At Mello, we believe PPC professionals need knowledge from a related field. And they even prepared a selection of necessary skills. Formally, the semantic and
What Kind Of IT Professionals Are Bounty Hunters Looking For?
Senior HR Consultant at HumanField Team Leader spoke about the selection process and interesting behind-the-scenes secrets. The domestic labour market would absorb thousands of well-trained
Why Advertising Is Needed
In my telegram channel about marketing and entrepreneurship, subscribers sometimes ask questions, and recently the following was asked: “Why are large companies like Coca-Cola so
How We Attracted 37 Thousand People From Social Networks To Offline Stores In 4 Months. Case “Rainbow Smiles”
How to build an Online to Offline marketing system from scratch and attract tens of thousands of people from social networks and instant messengers to
2024 Marketing Trends That Will Impact Your Business
Mikhail Epikhin, Marketing Director of Roistat, about what changes in digital marketing should be taken into account by companies, what technologies are coming to the
TicWatch Pro 3: At This Price, It Is Unbeatable
TicWatch Pro 3 Is Still One Of The Best Smartwatches With The Google Wear Operating System: Now It Is Discounted On Amazon, And It Is