Situation: A company can have many servers: weaker and more powerful, older and newer, already loaded with work and practically free. For example: There are
Which Is Better For Disaster Recovery: Backup Data Center Or Cloud
In the classical approach to disaster recovery, the infrastructure is duplicated in a backup data center: a second data center is organized, which either completely
Disaster Recovery: Clouds And IT Infrastructure Disaster Recovery
The sooner information systems resume work, the more minor consequences. Therefore, companies create disaster-tolerant infrastructures by deploying spare capacity on physical servers or clouds. Grand
Moving From Virtualization To Cloud & Several advantages To The IT Systems That Are Built On It
A virtual server, a virtual machine (VM), and an instance are different names for a collection of virtual computing and disk resources, a guest operating
From Online To Offline: How We Helped Saturday! Attract An Audience From The Internet
TV channel “Saturday!” decided to expand its TV audience at the expense of Internet users. Together with the channel’s marketers, we started attracting new viewers.
2 Major Things Every UI/UX Designer Should Know
Work Plan Analysis After you have talked and the contractor sent you a work plan, your task is to evaluate what this plan consists of.
How To Choose A Ux UI Designer For An IT Product The First Time
If you have to look for and choose a Ux Ui designer shortly to design its product (service, marketplace, mobile or web application, etc.), these
Choosing A Store Content Storage System: To Store More, Cheaper And With Quick Access
For data that changes quickly, such as product catalogs, shopping carts, user lists, or order data, it is worth using a DBMS, and they need
Simple Language About Microservice Architecture For Beginners
Let’s talk about the pros and cons of microservices and find out who the technology is suitable for. What Is Microservice Architecture? Microservice architecture is
WebSocket: What It Is, When To Use It, And What Benefits It Provides
There are different ways to transfer data from a browser or application to servers and vice versa. The rules of these methods are described in