Website promotion technologies have undergone significant changes in recent years. If it was once possible to make a website successful by using as many keywords as possible and buying as many external links as possible, now the increased demands of users are at the forefront. This led to the consideration of behavioral criteria, usability, etc. Nowadays, ranking is influenced by various factors, and website promotion has become a complex and time-consuming process that requires cooperation with an advertising agency.
But contrary to popular belief that links to the site are now not important at all, this is far from the case. Yes, no one else gets the first place in the issue only for the presence of links, but in search algorithms, they still play an important role. And how else to provide traffic to the site, if not with their help? However, working with them requires a completely different approach than a few years ago. And first of all, you need to work out a strategy. To do this, it is best to apply for a site promotion audit, which can be performed by advertising agencies. The results obtained will help you choose the appropriate methods for link building, which you need to apply the basic rules.
Modern link building is primarily based on the analysis of all possible ways to obtain natural effective links. Why is it bad? You can’t buy them all at once. We’ll have to look, think and negotiate. And the good thing is that such links work and give the site traffic and potential customers. There are several ways to get natural link mass.
As a method of promotion, outreach involves the selection of sites suitable for the topic and negotiations with the owners for the subsequent placement of the link. For example, such mentions can be obtained from partners. Think about what companies you interact with, who are your suppliers or who sells your products in stores, etc. Invite them to place contacts or link to your site.
Ask who else is working in your or a related field. It can be other companies, review sites, and bloggers. You can write to them and offer to mention your company or give a link to the site. It is important to remember here that it is worth negotiating only with live resources and blogs. If the audience is not active or the site is abandoned, then linking just for the sake of linking will be a waste of time and money.
It will also not be superfluous to monitor competitors using services such as Ahrefs, MegaIndex, etc., and take into account their sources.
Links can be posted on review sites and forums. Such sites require a flexible approach, and here you need to focus not so much on a rough build-up of the link mass, but on usefulness and potential traffic. To work, choose your own or related topics, and make mentions of the company, goods, services, etc. through your account or special exchanges. If you use this link-building mechanism, it is preferable to have your account and purposefully pump it. The more natural the answer looks, the more likely it is that the link will be used, and the administrator will not delete the post for spam. Duplicate keywords should be avoided, and it is better to prefer non-anchor links to anchors of the same type.
To promote the site to the top and get links, you can use an obvious mechanism – you should want to be quoted and posted. This will require building quality content. Do not rewrite other people’s articles, of which there are a lot on the Internet, but make your unique texts.
Choose interesting topics, write about current and urgent issues, and give expert reviews and detailed explanations. Try to ensure that visitors who come to your site receive useful information and linger. To get the maximum effect, it is worth consulting with an advertising agency and optimizing the site.
Publish not only articles but also news, make press releases and offer your materials to relevant sites and services.
The trend towards a natural increase in links does not mean the pointlessness of their purchase on exchanges. The main thing to remember is to never buy automatically, or thoughtlessly. First, it is necessary to take a critical look at the selection of the site itself for the purchase. If you choose an exchange that was relevant five years ago and buy the first links that come across, then not only will they not work and will not give you anything other than the fact of their presence, but because of them, you can also go down in the rankings. Ask yourself where to find quality donor sites now, and which exchanges are recommended by leading experts.
Second, critically approach the choice of donors. Ideally, you should get traffic from this site. Therefore, it must be alive, have an active audience, not be reputed to be spammed, and inspire confidence. Users should be interested in you, which means that for advertising baby food, you should not choose, for example, a resource related to the IT field. Start from your subject and be sure to ask where and how the link to your site will be placed (on which tab, in what context, etc.).
Links no longer exist for themselves. From an independent factor, they have ceased to be a tool with which sites receive traffic, conversions, and ultimately customers. Therefore, promotion should not be started without preliminary optimization of the site, which the advertising agency will carry out, having calculated all your strengths and analyzed the prospects.
Remember that the main factor in working with the reference mass was the naturalness of mentions. In order not to arouse suspicion and not fall under the sanctions of search engines, a smooth increase in the number of links is required. This means that website promotion has become a long, complex, and multifaceted process, where success cannot be achieved without an integrated approach and mandatory analysis. Link building no longer stands alone, but is built into the overall promotion strategy.
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