Machine Learning

Companies Lack Internal Resources To implement AI / ML successfully

Rackspace has published the results of a study of the state of AI / ML projects in companies. We share…

3 years ago

Different Types Of Algorithms In Machine Learning

Neural Networks What is it? The royal algorithm among all machine learning algorithms. Suitable for prediction, recognition, and classification. Also,…

3 years ago

What Are Machine Learning And Neural Networks?

What Is It? Conventional computers are good at calculating, but they are poor at some easy tasks for humans. For…

4 years ago

Clouds Make It Easier To Access Innovative Technologies

Modern digital services often need innovative technologies: machine learning, Big Data tools, or computer vision. For example, a machine learning…

4 years ago

How And Why “Auchan” Built A Platform For Working With Big Data In A Public Cloud

Modern retail can no longer do without building predictive and recommendation systems based on Big Data.But with large amounts of…

4 years ago

Accelerate Computing And Save On Resources: When You Need GPUs

When graphic processing units (GPUs) first appeared, no one thought that they would become so widely used over time. Initially,…

4 years ago

How Artificial Intelligence Changed Group Products & How The Development Of Technology Will Improve The Usual Services In The Future?

An artificial intelligence system appears when a problem arises that cannot be solved using conventional methods. AI helps corporations and…

4 years ago

Data Lineage And Provenance: – Big Data Management For Beginners

In this article, we will continue talking about the basics of data management and look at what data provenance and…

4 years ago

Hyper Automation – The Way To Comprehensive Automation

The automation of processes has already found its way into many industries and companies and repeatedly contributes to success stories.…

4 years ago

Artificial Intelligence: What It Is And How It Can Help Us

Anyone who has had the pleasure of reading a science fiction novel, or seeing science fiction movies, has often heard…

4 years ago