TOP 5 Mistakes That Will “Kill” Conversion On The Selling Site. Or Why Are You Getting So Damn Few Applications?

TOP 5 Mistakes That Will “Kill” Conversion On The Selling Site. Or Why Are You Getting So Damn Few Applications?

Hey! In touch with Andrey Strekalov – the founder of the “Click bar” service. Today, I will analyze the main mistakes on my clients’ sites. All of them have problems with applications. I hope you find this post useful and interesting. Sit back and enjoy reading 

1. I Forgot About Context And Target Audience

When designing a landing page, people often forget who they are creating it for. Who are these people who will go to the site? What age and mentality are they? In what situation and from what device will they view it? From what source of advertising will they be transferred to it?

It is important to remember that you are not creating a website for yourself personally, but for those people who will contact you and buy. If they feel unaccustomed to the site, the words are not native and are written in a way they do not speak; then the visitors will leave the site.

For example, in one of my projects, I made a mistake myself. Here are two sites where you can buy a bus ticket. What do you think, which one is buying more?

It will not be obvious for many, but it is better to buy on the site on the left. The conversion is about 8%, and on the site on the right – around 1%. And that’s why.

People traveling on buses are thrifty. It is important for them that the price is low. And what do we see on the site on the right? White glossy layout, fancy fonts. Judging by the design, it will be expensive here. But on the layout on the left, the design is simple, and the fonts are ordinary; there is a lot of information. It is immediately felt that you will not overpay for too much. This may not be the case. In addition, the word in the heading “Bus station” adds to the officialdom and confidence that you are buying a ticket directly at the lowest price.

2. There Is No USP, Or There Is No Benefit To The Customer In The USP

You probably already know that USP stands for a unique selling proposition without me. Most poor converting sites don’t have it. This is when everything is for everyone, or everything is like everyone else. Here, for example, is one of these sites.

Why should I leave a request here? What is the difference between this company and similar others? If there are no such differences, then the company finds itself in the “red ocean” of competition, where the client chooses only by price.

How to check if the USP is good? Try substituting the name of any other company for yours. If the meaning of everything remains the same and suits everyone, then the USP is bad or not.

Another time when the USP is good for the customer, it is not. I fantasize: “Deliver fresh potatoes in 10 minutes.” Yes, it’s unique: no one delivers potatoes in 10 minutes. But why such urgency? Does the client need it? Another thing: “Potatoes for frying with a golden crust. We will deliver today at a convenient time. “Immediately interesting – what kind of potato is that ?! And the following happens in the mind of the hostess: “I need to have a crispy golden crust. The husband will be delighted! I’ll take it! “

3. Text About The Company, Not About The Client

It’s sad or not, but a person who gets to the site does not care what a wonderful company they are in front of and what great fellows they are. Here is an example of such text from the same site above.

The client is much more concerned about himself. How can he solve his problem? How can you help him with this? What tangible result will he get in the end?
These are the questions you should be answering when writing your landing page copy.

Just compare the two options:
1. We are in close contact with banks, which gives an advantage in the speed of consideration of our applications.
2. Our clients receive solutions on requests twice as fast due to the priority of requests addressed from our company.

4. “Blurred” Wording

“We offer comprehensive solutions,” “Mutually beneficial cooperation,” “Professionals in their field,” “We are working to improve the quality of our services” – all these are vague formulations that will suit absolutely any business. They are used when there is nothing to say. Supposedly, this will add value, and the client will be happy to work with such cool guys. But the client is not a fool. Seeing such formulations, he thinks to himself: “Well, everything is like everyone else, nothing unusual.

Tell us how these complex solutions and mutually beneficial cooperation are manifested specifically. Why you can be considered professionals in your field, and what exactly do you do to improve the quality of your services.

5. The Goal Is Incorrectly Defined Or Not Defined At All.

What is the purpose of your landing page?
What should a visitor do about it?
What target action should he perform?
A common misconception is that a page that a user visits for the first time should sell. But, most likely, you want the person to fill out a form, leave an application, or call. This is what you need to concentrate on. The page should promote this, not sell outright. Selling is the task of the sales manager, and leads are the task of the landing page.
Make sure that the page arouses interest and desire to learn more; take the first step. Do not reveal all the cards and load the user with all data at once.

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