Among the particularly hot topics of recent years, we find that of digital transformation. It is a process that is actively involving an increasing number of companies, regardless of the size of the business that characterizes them. But the digital transformation is bringing about changes in every area of our daily life.
On the other hand, the habits of each of us are now conditioned by technology in any sphere, private, public, and professional. A scenario of this type could only open the doors to new job opportunities and the birth of new professions. As with any job, therefore, specific skills and soft skills are required.
But what are they? Let’s find out together in the next few lines.
Before analyzing what are the soft skills necessary for digital transformation, it is essential to understand what we are talking about. With this term, we refer to some transversal skills that play a role of equal importance concerning the specific technical skills of the individual profession. In the latter case, these skills take the name of hard skills.
The most requested soft skills in general in the world of work are numerous, but among the most important the following can be considered as the absolute fundamental:
When we use the term soft skills, therefore, we mean all those behavioral and relational skills capable of characterizing our person. In other words, these skills represent how a subject stands towards the working context in which he operates or would like to operate, therefore they are of fundamental importance to relate correctly in his working ecosystem.
Digital transformation is a subject that is very often mentioned, but what is still unclear is the point reached by the completion of our country. With the term digital transformation, we mean the transition necessary to fully use digital technologies. This is a historical phase that is essentially involving anyone, from ordinary citizens, to businesses, up to the public administration.
Digital transformation is that particular process of change that starts from the foundations of any company. This means that what changes are the way the employee works and thinks, but also any strategy the employee relies on. The digital transformation, therefore, involves organizations at every layer, starting with company management.
A large part of the fabric is made up of medium-small businesses, the so-called SMEs, often family-run, and for this reason, characterized by an old-fashioned approach to the market.
We have said that one of the hottest topics of recent years concerns digital transformation. Completing this phase is a considerable challenge for many companies of all sizes. The complete digitalization of processes will allow organizations to remain competitive on the market, and to expand their business by opening up a series of new opportunities.
But how to face this challenge prepared? Much of the success of the transition necessarily passes through soft skills. Among the main ones necessary for the completion of the digital transformation we find:
Flexibility and elasticity are considered among the fundamental qualities for anyone intending to face a challenge, obviously including that of digital transformation. This process very often involves learning how new digital tools work, as well as continuous technological updates. On the other hand, technology itself is evolving at an impressive speed, and keeping up with the changes is essential. The concept can be summarized very simply: predisposition to learning.
Closely linked to the previous one we find another very important soft skill, namely the problem-solving ability. This definition refers to how it is necessary to approach a problem of any nature, that is, proactively. In other words, it means being able to face all those difficulties that can arise in everyday life without getting caught up in anxieties and being blocked by stress. This soft skill in the field of digital transformation is fundamental because when using new digital tools, obstacles are very frequent.
More and more frequently in many work areas, there is the need to collaborate in teams. The benefits that can be obtained from this way of working are many, therefore the ability to establish constructive relationships and empathize is the basis of the success of the work itself. On the other hand, that of digital transformation is a huge world, so being able to relate to other departments is fundamental. Correctly coordinating the work in this sense, allows you to avoid wasting time and energy, as well as to optimize the work aimed at achieving the objectives.
Last but not least for digital transformation, we find the soft skill of Knowledge networking. It is about knowing how to exploit and correlate different knowledge in equally different fields, to share ideas and objectives with other people. On the other hand, increasing one’s technical skills is important, but it is equally essential to be able to create a virtuous circle within which the knowledge of different subjects travels. Each of the members of this “circle” will benefit from what is shared by others.
At this point, it will certainly be clearer which soft skills are needed to complete the digital transformation. But why are they considered so important? In reality, the explanation is easily understood. These are qualities that are in many cases innate, or that at most can be developed during one’s professional career.
As seen from the employee’s side, a resume cannot be without soft skills. In reality, the digital professionals most endowed with the so-called emotional intelligence will most likely be those who will be able to occupy the best job positions in the future, even from an economic point of view. Soft skills for certain points of view can be considered even more important than hard skills.
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